Friday, January 15, 2010

January 15 2010

We start at Wyndemere where Lulu can't understand why Nikolas would want to ruin his brother's life by stealing his girlfriend/fiance. Nik says that's not what he wants. Lulu encourages a long vacation.

Steven can't tell Liz what to do - but Liz wants him to tell her. He uses euphemisms like "rebel" and "independent spirit" instead of "trainwreck". She seemingly blames it on Emily. If she hadn't died...blah blah blah. Steven isn't so sure.

Ted the hot young new black CSI investigator or TTHYNBCSII for short is still at the morgue with Mac when Lucky shows up. TTHYNBCSII tells Lucky about the hair. Maybe I'll just call him "Ted".

Sonny says the cops will buy Ronnie's story. Dominic doesn't think so. Jason comes in and overhears. He thinks Sonny is an idiot too. So does the audience.

Flashback! Michael plays Claudia's death in his mind again. Carly can tell.

Credits: Still waiting for Lucky, Dominic, Michael, Kristina and Morgan....Don't really care about Ethan.

We're at Lisa's apartment where they do the falling into Patrick thing again. Yeah, I didn't need to see it again. Seriously, they do the whole scene again.

Carly wants to know if Michael's ok. Jax gets the hint and takes Morgan into the other room so Carly and Michael can talk.
Carly brings up the night Michael killed Claudia. He says it's why he didnt want to come on the trip. Carly wants to help.

Dominic thinks Sonny's plan is ridiculous but tries to say it nicely. Sonny insists the cops "need a win". Sonny thinks its cut and dry. Jason says he thinks they need to discuss it. Sonny orders Dom to go do what they discussed. After Dominic leaves, Jason and Sonny continue to argue. Jason says if they pin Claudia's murder on Franco, he'll retaliate by going after Michael and giving him up to the police.

CSI: Port Charles: Mac wants to get DNA samples. Lucky thinks it may lead to a suspect they haven't even considered.

Liz: "Are you saying I would have cheated on Lucky regardless?" Yes, Liz. Because you're the town slut. By the way, Becky Herbst is pregnant again so who here is seeing another "who's your daddy?" storyline. *Yawn*. Steven thinks her life wouldn't have been as great as she thinks if Emily lived. Liz talks about the "passion" between her and Nik. Like your brother needs to hear that, Liz. He's not your gay best friend. And....I just found my role on the show. But anyway... Steven gets all psychologist again and brings up their parents who were never really there because they were all off saving the world. Liz doesn't want her kids or Lucky to feel like that. Steven says passion doesn't work that way. Liz insists on trying harder. Steven doesn't buy it.

Nikolas is surprised that Lulu thinks leaving will solve everything. Lulu is worried about her brothers. She uses Stefan as an example and his obsession with Laura. She doesn't want to see that happen with Nikolas. Nik makes a decision to go through with leaving. For good.

Lisa's apartment: Patrick wants to hang out. Lisa says no. Patrick thinks she has a date with Matt but she shot Matt down. Poor Matt. He just cannot get laid in Port Charles. Turns out Lisa just wants to watch NASCAR. She's seen it twice already but wants to watch more....blah blah blah, I can't believe I'm recapping a conversation about NASCAR. Sorry, can't do it: *Bleep Blop* NEXT

Lulu didn't mean "leave this second". He's planning on Paris. It would give Spencer a chance to get to know Laura. Like Nikolas cares about what Spencer wants. Lulu says not to tell Laura about what's happening and then once again brings up that if Emily were alive, none of this would have happened. Nikolas says that's not true. He says he wasn't that great to Emily. He insists it's the Cassadine blood. Lulu says not to blame his Cassadine heritage and at least he didn't sleep with Elizabeth. Nikolas gives a look that Lulu doesn't see. Hee. She says it just happened and he's doing the right thing by leaving. She hopes he'll meet a girl in Paris and once things settle down, he can come back. He snarks that he trusts that she'll let him know when it's safe to come back. Lulu thinks that leaving town is what's best for everyone.

Liz sees a pattern. Whenever things get close with Lucky, she throws a wrench into it. Last time the wrench was named Jason. Now it's Nikolas. Steven doesn't think she really wants to be with Lucky. He talks about her rebellious side again which we haven't seen for about ten years. Steven thinks she needs to make a choice and stick with it. He says she can't ignore what's real. Knock at the door. It's Lucky. Steven leaves. Lucky is glad the boys are away because he wants to discuss Nikolas.

Sonny and Jason are arguing the same arguments for and against framing Franco. The scene is repetitive and boring. They both have Michael's welfare in mind but Sonny is just being stupid about it. He just wants the case closed which he'll think will happen if they frame Franco.

Back from the commercials, nothing is different. Jason brings up the pictures of Michael with Claudia. He says there's no way to threaten Franco. He'll see it as a challenge and Michael will be the one who pays.

Michael doesn't want to talk to a shrink. He'll talk to Sonny about it. Cause he'll help. He says it's too much of a risk to talk to a shrink. He wants to go home. Carly doesn't want him by himself. Josselyn is so freaking cute by the way and she keeps looking up at Michael. Michael says he'll get Max to take him home to his dad's.

Dominic and Mac are talking about the case but as soon as he sees Ted come out of the morgue/lab?, he changes his tone to sound like he's a mobster grilling the police commissioner. Why is he even there? Can't he meet Mac in a more secretive place? Seriously: Worst. Undercover Cop. Ever. Ted tells Mac he needs him inside and then goes back into the room. Mac says that Dominic is "good". Really...? But Dominic/Dante's lieutenant isn't that happy with his lack of progress. Neither are we, Dominic/Dante, neither are we. Mac says he needs to know everyone who was in the cabin that night. Dom/Dante says he may be able to help. He thinks Michael knows what happened to Claudia and might want to talk.

Nikolas tells Alfred to close down the house and meet him and Spencer in Paris. Lulu thinks it would be great for Spencer to be in a regular school. Where is he now? Home-schooled? By Alfred? Lulu romanticizes his get-away by saying she'll come and visit and that it'll be great for Laura. Nik asks a favor: He wants her to do everything she can to support Lucky and Elizabeth.

Lucky tells Liz that he confronted Nikolas. Lucky thinks he should have paid closer attention to why his dad was acting so strangely. Liz once again blames it on Emily. Lucky finally shoots that theory down. He says he doesn't want Nikolas in his life right now. Liz apologizes but Lucky doesn't know why. Because they had sex, Lucky! Like....20 times!!! You'll find out soon. Spoiler! He doesn't know why she's defending him. She says she should have handled it differently. Yeah, by not sleeping with Nikolas. Lucky wants to think about the future. Get out, Lucky. Now!
Phone rings. It's Nik. He tells Liz he's leaving tonight and won't be back and then hangs up.

Dominic/Dante says he thinks Michael knows who killed Claudia. Mac says they need to be careful. They're both worried about Michael but Mac insists that Sonny going to prison would be the best thing that ever happened to Michael.

Sonny concedes. But if he doesn't want to use Franco, they have to find something else. He thinks Michael needs to get out of town. Jason suggests that Jax bring the family to Australia but Sonny thinks that's just a short-term solution. Sonny says they need to get Claudia's murder off the books. Jason says he'll come up with another way.

Patrick and Lisa are watching and discussing NASCAR. *yawn* Oh My God. I can't take this. He talks about the time he saw some race car driver at Jakes. They reminisce. I cry from boredom.

Lulu sees Lucky at Kellys. He apologizes for jumping down her throat earlier. She cuts him off by telling him that Nikolas is leaving town permanently. She insists he feels guilty. Lucky's all: good. She guilts Lucky by saying that Nikolas is still his brother.

Liz tries to fight her inner slut by not rushing off to Wyndemere. The phone rings and it's Audrey. Even though we don't see her, by Liz's side of the conversation, we find out that Audrey is at the zoo with the boys and won't be home for a few hours. Time to go get laid! Liz rushes out of the house like her vagina is on fire.

Spinelli hears Jason talking about Franco on the phone and says he'll keep an eye out for him. Jason has a better plan. He wants Spinelli to hack into the PCPD mainframe and see if they have evidence from Claudia's body to connect her with Michael.

Jax comes back and he's freezing! Carly tells Jax that Michael went home to Sonny. Jax says it'll all work out. Carly remembers how it was cute when Michael was little and tried to imitate Sonny but she doesn't want to believe he actually is turning out like him.

Michael is at the PCPD. He tells Ted he wants to see Claudia's body. Sonny appears.

Lulu says Lucky at least needs to say goodbye to Nikolas.

Liz is at Wyndemere's He informs her that he and Spencer will be going to Paris and won't be coming back. Such manipulation. If he really wanted to do what was best, he wouldn't have called her. He asks her to come with him. She says no but Nikolas says it's ok. Sexy music starts playing. Uh-oh. They go to hug goodbye and of course end up kissing.

Lisa wants to take a road-trip with Patrick to Daytona. They keep bringing up how much Patrick's life has changed. How he used to be a party animal and now he's a Husband and Dad... It's all so mid-life-crisis and BORING. He insists that he's happy. Lisa says...and I quote, "You ever hear the expression, 'he protests too much'?" I don't think that's the exact quote, Lisa. Regardless, she thinks it applies to Patrick.

Spinelli, the computer genius. discovers that the PCPD found a human hair in the cabin.

Ted tells Sonny and Michael that autopsies are closed to everyone but the police and leaves. Sonny says the autopsy will show how she died but not who killed her. Dominic/Dante overhears!

Lucky arrives at Wyndemere and asks Alfred if he's seen Nikolas. Alfred sneakily tells him exactly where Nikolas is. Go Alfred!

Liz and Nikolas are tearing each other's clothes off. Lucky shows up and hears them talking; saying that they love each other. Lucky peaks his head in and is horrified at what he sees. Jonathan Jackson's face is heart-breaking. FRIDAY CLIFFHANGER!


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