Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24 2010

DANTE, not Ethan, tells Claire they have enough evidence to convict Sonny. They don't. Claire thinks they need Michael's testimony. Dante thinks Michael is 'damaged enough'. Claire thinks Dante became biased once he found out Sonny was his father. Dante disagrees. Get these two a room! I mean if he and Lulu never do it, why not? But Daniel, you say. They hate each other! I know, says I. It's not like any romantic comedy I've ever seen! Dante has second thoughts about Claire being brought in. She wants to put Sonny away.

Luke and Sonny: Un! Comfortable! Luke tells Sonny that Ethan didn't attack Kristina.

Carly tells Jason that she thinks Kristina is lying to protect whomever really did this to her. Jason asks who? Carly's got the answer: Keifer.

Speak of the devil! Keifer is watching Kristina sob to Lucky. She describes the attacker without saying his name. Lucky: "Who did this to you?" Kristina: "Why?" WHY?

Credits: Big news lately is that they recast Michael. I have no idea why but he won't be on for a month. And he probably won't be in the credits for a year.

Jason doesn't want Carly to jump to any conclusions. Carly: "Why not?" She tells him that he's the one that guessed Kristina was lying. She goes over the 'timing' facts. Jason plays 'devil's advocate'. But Carly's got all the answers! She describes Kiefer's past with Michael and Morgan.

Lucky tries to make Kristina more comfortable. She talks about how Sam helped her with the bruises. She says she doesn't want Ethan arrested or to go through a trial. She says she never should have said it was Ethan but when Lucky asks why, she doesn't give the real reason. She begs Lucky to make it over. Lucky gives up for now but lets her know that he'll do everything he can to help her. Keifer hides as Lucky leaves.

In the interrogation room, Lulu comes to visit Ethan and is the elevetieth person to tell him how stupid he is. He tells her that Luke is back and she tells him that Luke believes him because he doesn't want to believe that Ethan is like him. Ethan wants to know the big Luke secret.

Luke talks about the night Kristina came to the Haunted Star and adds Ethan has no reason to lie to him. Sonny counters that Kristina has no reason to lie either. Luke thinks she's confused. They argue some more, both defending their kids.

Claire continues to argue Dante's wishy-washyness. And she's completely right. Dante insists that he's trying to put Sonny away as much as she does. He pleads compassion for Michael but Claire thinks he just doesn't want Michael to say what he saw. My opinion? This case was fucked before it started.

Claire and Dante? Still arguing. About the same thing. And I like both these actors but it's not really getting anywhere. It's hard for Claire to overlook how Dante lied about getting shot. I still don't understand how they couldn't prove that. A long time ago, Ronnie mentioned gun powder residue but no one looked into it???

Gazebo of love: Patrick greets Robin. Lisa tells Robin that she's on the Corinthos case. Robin wants to know more but Lisa says she's sworn to secrecy. Robin tells Lisa that she knows she'll serve with integrity but then goes on a rant about how Sonny is not everything the media makes him out to be. But she doesn't stop there. She goes on and on about Sonny in her very biased way. Patrick catches on.

Jason thinks Carly needs to stay out of it. She wants to talk to Sonny and Lucky but finally lets Jason think he convinced her to stay out of it.

Sonny describes how he found Kristina at the hospital. They argue the evidence. Luke tries but Sonny is as stubborn as always. I'd blame him less in this situation if he wasn't always like this. Sonny hints at what's to be done. Luke warns Sonny not to touch his son. Ooooh, rift between Sonny and Luke!

Lulu says she doesn't know Ethan's background so she doesn't know who to believe. Ethan still thinks she doesn't trust him because of something Luke did. Lulu finally tells a shocked Ethan what Luke did to Laura years ago. He thinks there has to be more to it. Lulu describes the circumstances of the rape in full detail.

Robin defends her argument. Lisa doesn't want to hear it, so she leaves. Patrick doesn't want to talk about the case. He wants to concentrate on their date. But...Robin starts talking about Sonny again. Patick, "What's the jury supposed to do? Acquit Sonny because he was once a good man?" Robin: "It's really that black and white to you?" Which....makes no sense because Patrick's reasoning is sort of the opposite of 'black and white'.

Lulu meets Dante at Jake's. Coleman gives them some free beers. Dante thinks the beer is to alleviate Dante's reaction to Coleman's future verdict to acquit Sonny. Coleman would rather acquit a guilty man than have piano wire wrapped around his neck.

Kristina is surprised to see Keifer knocking at her door. He says he's there to see if she's OK, but let's slip that he knows Lucky was there. For some reason Kristina is surprised that Keifer is a stalker as well as an abusive boyfriend. Keifer wants to know what Lucky wanted. She lies that she asked him to help out with her mom. She also says feels bad that Ethan got arrested. Really? Then...tell everyone he's innocent and you won't have to feel guilty anymore. Keifer gets angry and wants to know why she feels bad since Ethan treated her bad and...ick. She says she doesn't want to go through a trial. Saved by the bell. Sonny stops by and Keifer leaves...probably shitting his pants. Sonny tells Kristina she looks better. She wants to know how court went and he says fine but he was thinking about her a lot. She tells him that she doesn't want Ethan to be punished because of her.

Jax asks Carly at the Metro-Court why she confronted Kristina. She snorts that it didn't take Alexis long to run to him. He defends Alexis but Carly sympathizes with her arch-enemy. (one of many). She tells Jax that she was just talking to Kristina and that there was a discrepancy in her story. Jax wants to know why she needs to get involved and Carly says he's right and she should be focussing on Sonny and the trial. Jax doesn't like that either. Of course they argue about that and then about Michael.

Kristina and Sonny argue Ethan's fate. She cries that she doesn't want Ethan to go through a trial or to die. Sonny pretends he doesn't know what she's talking about. She knows. He thinks she's acting like Adele, a victim who doesn't want to punish her attacker. She tries to convince him that she 'just wants this to be over'.

A frustrated Luke comes back to the Haunted Star. Lucky comes in and starts to talk to him about Ethan but Luke wants to know about Lucky's troubles. Lucky tells him about Crazy's baby daddy. He and Luke both seem relieved. They move on to Ethan. Lucky tells Luke that Kristina doesn't want to press charges against Ethan. Luke knows Ethan is innocent but he's worried about what Sonny is going to do.

Lulu and Dante discuss Ethan. She wants to believe Ethan but is worried about the genetics angle. Dante tries not to pry but he asks what happened. She says there's something Luke did once but she doesn't go into details. Dante compares father and son Spencer to himself and Sonny.

Patrick admits he liked Sonny until he shot his son in the chest. Imagine that? He says that Sonny's life breeds violence for everyone around him and cites Claudia, Michael and Dante as examples. He doesn't want Robin or Emma around Sonny's world. Robin says she doesn't make excuses for Sonny but she still loves him. Patrick finally tries to change the subject. One last comment from Robin on the matter, "I'm not in Sonny's world. I'm in your world." Awww.

Lucky describes what he saw at the hospital. Luke wonders if Kristina could have been mistaken. Lucky says it's possible.

At the Corinthos house, Sonny tells Jason about court. To Jason, Dante is a traitor and he says to Sonny, Dante is flesh and blood and there's no middle ground. Sonny compares the situation to Ethan/Luke.

Sam comes to visit Kristina. Kristina tells her how everyone's been pressuring her to prosecute Ethan. They argue about the pros and cons of prosecuting. She gets Sam to promise to talk to Alexis about talking to the D.A.

After the break, Sam and Kristina talk nail polish. It's as exciting as it sounds.

Luke tells Lucky what happened when Kristina came to the Haunted Star. Lucky says they need to find the bastard that did this!

Lulu insists Dante is nothing like Sonny but Dante isn't sure. It seems he's just looking for assurance.

Sonny talks about what Kristina wants. Jason wonders about Luke. Sonny says that Luke thinks that he backed him off. Sonny says he's wrong and he'll get justice one way or another. DUN!


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