Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19 2010

Kristina watches RoadKill's dad describing Kristina's "lies" on a webpage dedicated to Roadkill's memory. Alexis comes in and closes the laptop. Kristina is worried and upset about the fallout.

Dante tells Jason where Ronnie is. Jason calls him a traitor and says that all Dante cares about is bringing Sonny down.

Ronnie enters the hotel room on the island while Michael hides. Ronnie announces that he has a subpoena. Jax stops him.

Carly brings Josselyn to the stand. Really? Claire objects. So do I.

Credits: Jason Cook is counting his free money at home.

Carly lies that her nanny was supposed to pick up the baby but was running late. Sonny is worried because when Carly has a plan, it's never good. Diane, however, wants to see how it plays out. Claire thinks its prejudicial. Carly retorts. The judge agrees with Carly. Carly takes that opportunity to play to the jury saying that the trial is really about Josselyn. How, you ask? Because that's the kid that Claudia tried to steal. Well played, Caroline, well played. Judge calls a recess and tells Carly not to bring the baby back. She leaves the stand, parading Josselyn passed the jury.

Dante says he agrees with Jason that he doesn't want Michael on the stand. Jason doesn't buy it. Dante's all 'whatever,' He doesn't think Jason has done much to protect Michael either.

Jax uses the whole, "oh, the taxpayers are paying for this 'vacation'" argument as a stall tactic. Ronnie fishes; Jax lies. Ronnie doesn't get it.

Molly and Morgan watch Warren's video. Molly is upset that her mom will be going to jail. Morgan has a plan! Cause he's Carly's kid.

Alexis tries to calm Kristina but she whines and cries and talks about how 'nice' Mr. Bauer was....and would it be wrong to want Alexis to slap her? Kristina is worried her mom is going to jail. Alexis doesn't know what's going to happen but she promises they'll work things through. Alexis announces there's something she needs to do.

Jason and Dante? Still arguing. For someone who's made out to be so observant, Jason is so completely wrong about Dante and his intentions.

Jax and Ronnie...blah blah blah. Oh God, this episode is boring. Max interrupts and forcibly removes Ronnie.

Outside the courtroom, Sonny chides Carly for what she did. Carly think it's all going to work.

PCPD, Alexis walks in and sees Warren and Mac arguing. Roadkill's dad thinks Alexis is getting preferential treatment. He asks her why she didn't stop. She says she was in shock, taking her daughter to the hospital after his son beat her. He yells that that's a lie. All this is so unprofessional. They argue about who beat who. Roadkill's dad accuses her of sleeping with Mac to which she denies.

Dante visits Morgan at his request. Dante notices Molly is upset. Morgan tells him about the website. He wants Dante to make it all go away. Dante says it's a conflict of interest since Kristina is his sister. Morgan asks if there's anything he can do to help.

Jason yells at Max on the phone about letting Ronnie near Michael. Max tells him that Jax covered. Jason instructs Max to bring Michael somewhere else. Michael gets on the phone with Jason. He tells Michael it may be over in a couple of days and that Carly will be going on the stand today.

Carly gets sworn in. Diane begins the questioning. Carly describes what happened the night that Claudia kidnapped her. She sells it and Alice and other jury members eat it up. She finishes up the story by lying about Sonny being the one who hit Claudia. Sonny does this weird thing at the end where he shakes his head and I don't know if he's playing modest or he disapproves of what Carly was doing or what. I think they should have ended that scene on Carly's face...

Kristina eerily looks through Roadkill's website and all the pictures of them together. Sam stops by. Kristina guesses that Alexis called her. Sam confirms it. They talk about Warren's website and the man himself. Sam psychologises that Warren is doing the same thing as Roadkill: Being mean to her and then being nice to her...etc...basically fucking with her pretty little head.

Dante tries to explain to Molly and Morgan about Warren's rights. He excuses himself to get back to work. After he leaves, Kristina thinks she knows someone else who can help.

Mac snarks and Warren threatens and Alexis finally asks Mac to leave them alone. Alexis talks to Warren like he's three years old. But the guy is grieving so he won't be taking that. He vows to send her to prison and subtly threatens Kristina.

Carly finishes her story. She said it was her idea to cover up the murder. Claire continues. She picks apart Carly's story. She yells and Diane objects and Carly is the calmest one of all because she knows how to get a jury in her pocket.

Claire addresses the jury directly. Is this closing arguments? Claire talks about manipulation and then continues picking apart Carly's story. She tries to get Carly to trip up and she almost suceeds once or twice. She wants to know why Sam called Sonny instead of Jax. Response: I don't know. Badgering? Sustained! Claire brings up Michael's coma and Claudia's responsibility. Carly gets the right amount of emotional begging the jury not to send Sonny to prison for saving her daughter's life.

Kristina delusionaly says that RoadKill wasn't an evil person. She shows Sam the memorial. Sam tells Kristina to stop romanticizing Roadkill. Sam is worried about Kristina's relationship future.

On to the Restaurant of No Patrons where Conan is a lot taller than Molly! She asks to see Jason. Molly goes in to see Jason. She tells him about the video and asks him to "stop Mr. Bauer".

Diane asks one final question: "Do you believe that you and Josselyn would have been alive today if Sonny had not arrived at the cabin". Carly, "No." Claire has no further questions. Carly steps down. Sonny whispers to Diane not to bring in any more witnesses so Diane tells the judge that the defense rests.

Sam walks in to the PCPD and sees Alexis and Warren arguing. Alexis tries to explain how Keifer beat up Kristina twice but Warren doesn't believe it. He yells loudly for everyone to hear that he's going to make sure everyone knows she's a murderer and how Kristina got beat up because she's "a promiscuous little tramp that was asking for it". Sam's response? Uppercut to the chin! Dayumm! Go girl!

Kristina watches more pictures of Roadkill while remembering her beatings.

Molly tells Jason that Dante couldn't help so she wants Jason to stop Mr. Bauer. Jason: "Are you asking me to kill [RoadKill's] father?"

Morgan gets a call. It's Michael. Michael tells him where he is.

Recess time at court. Diane and Sonny are happy about Carly's testimony.
Claire tells Dante that Sonny is pretty much a free man.
Sonny comes out and thanks Carly and then kisses her. (Poor Jax!) Claire and Dante see it. She tells Dante that they need Michael.


And I just have to share this. It's my niece and my parent's dog.

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