Friday, February 5, 2010

February 5 2010

Jax House: Carly is shocked that Jax knew everything.

The airstrip: Sonny still doesn't want to leave the country but Jason is trying hard to convince him.

PCPD Interrogation room:Mac and Ronnie question Olivia. She says she can't help them to arrest Sonny.

Dante's hospital room: Dante asks Lucky to turn off the tape recorder. He needs a moment. To think up a lie? Moment over. He's ready now. After the tape recorder turns on, Dante says the shooting was an accident and so ends my faith in Dante.

Credits: You don't deserve a place in the credits, Dante Falconari.

Nurse's station: Epiphany introduces Liz to a kid who got burned. Mom says it's her fault because she and her boyfriend were screwing while Jimmy was cooking in the kitchen. Liz continues the crazy kick she's been on for weeks by telling this woman that she's a bad mother for not putting her kids needs in front of her own. Ephiany's all: Dude. Duuuude.

Carly is not taking this well as we knew she wouldn't. Jax defends himself as we knew he would. The arguments we expected transpire. She thinks it's all about Sonny.

Jason continues to try to convince Sonny to leave. Sonny doesn't want to walk away from his son.

Olivia says they're more concerned with capturing Dante then defending anyone. Ronnie: "What is wrong with you?" I don't know, Ronnie, but I really want to punch my TV right now. Oh and Ronnie? I'm totally crushing on you right now. I hope he stays in Port Charles. Olivia explains what happened She lies and says she doesn't know if Sonny was holding the gun. Ronnie, my boyfriend, totally calls her on it.

Lucky turns the tape recorder off. Lulu doesn't understand and Lucky tells her not to interfere. He warns Dante about what happens to cops who make false statements. Dante gives his statement. He says he suspected his cover was blown and he suspected that Sonny had put a hit on him so he went over to Sonny's apartment to arrest him. He then LIES and says Sonny wasn't there when he got there and makes up some cockamamie story about trying to take the bullets out of the gun and it went off. I'll be right back. I need to hit something. Ow. Ok, better now. Lucky doesn't believe him and doesn't think anyone else will believe him either.

Epiphany chides Liz but she's still on her Crazy. Nikolas pulls her away and tells her take some time off. He orders her take a leave of absence. She feels like she's the only one 'paying' for the affair they had.

Lucky "weird facial hair" Spencer gives Dante a life lesson in father/son relationships. He knows what it's like to have a dad on the other side of the law. He mentions the gun powder that would be on Dante's hand if his story was true and exits. Dante "no-longer-my-boyfriend" Falconeri jokingly asks Lulu if he she has a recently fired gun in her possession. Lulu says she's trying not to make her opinion known but when forced, she says she hates it. Dante says he didn't do it for Sonny but for himself.

My Boyfriend Ronnie pleads to Olivia's personal side bringing up early memories of when Ronnie and Dante were kids. Olivia insists she's not perjuring herself. She truthfully says she wasn't in the room when Dante was shot. Ronnie is really disappointed with Olivia and informs her that Dante will be as well. The interrogation is interrupted by Lucky who calls Mac and tells him of Dante's statement.

Jax tries to get Carly to admit that Sonny's life is dangerous but Carly says he knew all that when he married her. She thinks that Jax just wants to frame Sonny. Jax rightfully says that Sonny is no innocent. UGH. I have a feeling these arguments are going to on for a while.

Carly wants to know why he told her. Jax said he could have kept quiet but didn't want to lie. [for 10 more months....] Jax makes some great arguments but Carly is stubborn. She finally walks out.

Sonny arrives at the hospital. Luke is there (why?) and they talk about what happened. He wants to know how Sonny managed to escape bail.

Dante says it's now personal. He says he screwed up; that he wants Sonny to go down clean for shooting Claudia, not him. I don't really get it and neither does Lulu but she gives him her support. Morgan comes to the hospital room. He wants to know if Dante was really his friend or part of the cover-up and....I'm totally not tearing up. Totally not.

Jason, Sam and beer walk into Jason's apartment with a plan to order chinese. That sounds like a good idea. He tells Sam that Sonny didn't leave the country and she's not surprised. They decide to just shut up about the whole thing for the night.

Keifer comes to see Kristina at her house. She tells him about Sonny shooting a cop. He knew. She gets all anti-Sonny again and Keifer takes it as a moment to start making out with her.

Sonny/Luke: Blah blah blah, I liked Dante, blah blah blah, he's like me, blah blah blah, I should have seen it. Sonny tells Luke about what Michael saw/overheard and the snowball of actions that happened afterwards.

Dante tells Morgan their friendship wasn't a lie. Morgan asks about the shooting and Dante tells him about the statement. He says it's complicated because his job involves putting his father away. Morgan doesn't hate him! He's his brother! He's glad he's alive! They Hug! Not! Tearing! Up!

Jake's: Lucky walks in to see Nikolas having a drink. Apparently Nkolas summoned him. he thought it was neutral territory but Lucky reminds him that this is where the affair started. Nikolas tells Lucky about Liz's Crazy. He wants Lucky to help but Lucky thinks it's none of his business.

Kristina wants to stop but Keifer thinks fucking will make her feel better. He's such slime. Keifer insults Sonny and for some reason she defends her dad. Keifer is all confused and they start yelling at each other. Kristina yells at him to get out and Keifer slaps her.

Carly is holding Josselyn. She's leaving. They argue some more and Carly really doesn't make a lot of sense. She's angry at him, not for lying to her about something important - but for not having his family's best interest at heart which is totally not the case. Morgan comes in and tells them he went to visit Dante. Carly tells him they're leaving and will explain everything later.

Lulu has brought Dante some sweet tea. She learned from his mom that he likes it when he's under-the-weather. She informs him that she learned a lot from Olivia when they were both excruciatingly waiting for Dante to come out of surgery. Dante talks nicely about his mom.

Luke thinks Sonny won't get out of shooting a cop. Sonny thinks if he tells Dante he's sorry everything will be OK! Luke leaves and Olivia comes over to tell Sonny about Dante's statement.

Nikolas is gone but Lucky is still at Jakes. He takes a couple of shots of whiskey. Liz shows up.

Jason and Sam's make-out session is interrupted by a knock at the door. It's Carly, Morgan and Josselyn. They're moving in! Sam's face: Helllll know.

Jax tells Michael about his involvement in the case against Sonny. Michael punches him!

Olivia tells Lulu about what she told the cops. Lulu hates that once again, Sonny is getting away with hurting people. Olivia thinks his guilt will hurt Sonny enough. Yeah, Olivia, judges should hand out that sentence: "For the murder of all those innocent people, I hereby sentence you to feel guilty."

Sonny finally comes to see Dante but he's a sleep. He slowly opens his eyes. Dante: "Hey, dad. Turns out you're one hell of a shot". Hee.

The actress who plays Kristina does a mini-PSA about teen dating abuse. Great.


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