Wednesday, February 10, 2010

January 10 2010 - this recap has been pre-empted by snow.

Well I knew GH wouldn't start exactly on time because this mysterious white stuff is falling from the sky. Oh, is that snow? Thanks for telling us. I wouldn't have known. Weatherman: It's snowing! Except he goes on for about an hour.

And...oh My God. They completely pre-empted the entire show to tell us that it's snowing. IT"S FUCKING SNOWING. It takes an entire hour to tell you that there is fucking snow outside. What the hell happened to that little informative bar that runs at the bottom of the screen. I mean, schools were cancelled - people are at home. ANYONE WHO IS AT HOME just wants to fucking watch tv and relax. Why would they want to watch about how it's snowing? Turn on the weather channel! Or...look out a window? I mean is there anyone really sitting there at the edge of their seat watching the play by play about how each individual snowflake is hitting the ground?

Fuck you, network TV.

This recap has pre-emted so that we may tell you it's fucking snowing.

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