Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18 2010

Happy MLK Day! I have a dream. I have a dream that this long-ass Lisa/Patrick scene will be over soon.

Patrick is offended by Lisa's remark. You know, the whole 'was a party animal, now a husband and dad' thing. Isn't Patrick too young to have a mid-life crisis? He insists he's a much better man this way.

Sam comes to the restaurant...Spinelli fills her in on the mysterious hair found in the cabin.

Dominic/Dante is still listening to Sonny and Michael. They don't give away Michael's guilt but it's obvious they know what happened.

Lucky continues to watch Liz and Nik making out. Liz hears a creak and turns around...

Credits! There's some old people I don't recognize. Must be the Qs...

Lucky is gone. Nikolas doesn't want to pressure Liz but she says it's her choice to be there.

Lisa continues to use insulting words like "domesticated". Gosh, what a bitch. Patrick rightfully says, people change. I hope he's sure about that. She seems to finally get it, but I'm sure we will revisit this conversation again and again. And again. He grabs his coat and leaves. He's going to video conference with Robin and Emma. I did that today with my niece!

Spinelli thinks the chance that the hair belongs to Michael is slim since many people must have been in that cabin over the years. Jason suggests tampering with the DNA that the PCPD already has on Michael just in case.

Sonny insists they put it all behind them. Michael tells Sonny the reason he's back - he talks about the cabin they were skiing in and how it reminded him of Claudia. Sonny says Franco moving the body did them a favor because it will mess up all the evidence. Dominic/Dante is still listening!

Patrick arrives at the hospital. Steve was going to call him - there's a new case - a crane fell on someone. Ouch! Patrick says he can't because he was drinking earlier. He says he'll call another doctor. Patrick offers to at least look at the scans but Steven says it's ok. He can handle it. Patrick's ego is bruised and says Steven can't admit that his penis is bigger than...I mean he's the best neurosurgeon there. Steve says he knows Patrick is good but he can't do everything. On the other hand, Patrick has a history of performing miracles and this patient needs one. Way to stick to your guns, Steven. Patrick takes a look at the scans. He wants Patrick to team up with Lisa. Patrick: Why not?

Maxie comes into the restaurant and talks about their 'special project' that we never actually got to see. Spinelli says they have a more pressing matter. He wants to "subvert" the PCPD. He can't divulge the specifics but insists Maxie's help is crucial.

Jason and Sam walk into their apartment which has been redesigned... I guess that's the 'special project'. Despite Jason's description to the contrary, it looks pretty similar. He's a little pissed but more importantly, he's wondering why Maxie and Spinelli would do this to lift his spirits (as Sam says) after what he did to them.

Sonny's office: Dominic tells Sonny there has been some friction between him and Michael. He tells Sonny of what happened between them and Kristina and that Michael told Dominic to stay out of it. Sonny says Michael has had problems since the coma but that he shouldn't have said that to Dominic. Dominic says he's just bringing it up because he seems volatile. Sonny admits Michael wants to be like him and he doesn't know how to stop it. Quit the mob? Die? Go to prison?

Post-coital scene at Wyndemere. Nikolas wants to be together in the open and is sorry that he can't give her that. She says to be grateful for what they do have. Wild sex and cheating on the only person that really loves both of them? God, I hate them. He insists she wants her to be happy and to work it out with Lucky. He tells her that he'll miss her. Of course this was going to be the "last time" because this is the time Lucky caught them. Too little, too late folks.

Lucky comes home to an empty house and stares around blankly. Oh, Lucky.

Dominic says it's got to be tough for Michael - finding out that Claudia was the one who was responsible for him getting shot. Sonny blames himself - but Dominic thinks that Sonny has been a good father. I can't tell if that's part of his act or he really thinks that. I have a bad feeling it's the latter. Sonny says he never wanted to have a kid but he got together with Carly and Michael came with her. But after a while Michael 'made [him] a father'. He wants better for Michael but he says Michael doesn't want better for himself.

Jason says it scares him to think about what could have happened to Sam. Sam defends himself...."You are not responsible for...blah blah blah" I think she actually says blah blah blah because that's all I hear.

Maxie infiltrates Ted's office space. She says Mac sent her by to pick up a file. Ted says he doesn't have anything for Mac and if he did, he'd send it by official courier. She says she has a note! She tries to distract him and somehow gets him out in the hall, thereby letting Spinelli sneak in and get on Ted's computer. Maxie continues to distract. Ted's too smart for that....or seemingly too smart and attempts to go back to the morgue...lab?.....Maxie, getting desperate, let's out a scream.

Liz asks Nik to keep his promise and start a new life when he gets to Paris. She wants him to go out and meet new people. He says the only problem with that is that he's in love with her. But she knows he'll meet someone if it's meant to be. He says he thought he was getting a second chance with Liz after Emily died. He now asks her to make him a promise. To put all this behind her. No more guilt. Oh, just wait. They share a goodbye kiss. It would all be sweet if it wasn't so self-indulgent and douchey.

Lucky goes to the closet and takes out a baseball bat. He swings at the vase on the table. He starts wacking everything in the house. Awesome! He yells at Luke who isn't there that he was right. "Love is one big lie" and other 'woe is me' type revelations. Then he breaks down. Jonathan Jackson, how I've missed you.

Ronnie's hospital room. You gonna start paying rent, Ronnie? Just sayin'. Dominic tells Ronnie that Sonny knows things he couldn't have known if he wasn't in the cabin and had killed Claudia. And he thinks Michael knows everything. Ronnie says this will get a warrant for Sonny's arrest - but isn't that just hearsay?

Sam and Jason rehash a bit of the Franco fiasco. He admits that he was just glad that Sam was ok.

So what was Maxie screaming about? Blood. She wants to know what it is. Is Ted really buying this? He slowly explains to the pretty dumb blond girl that hospitals have blood. Spinelli leaves and she incredibly finds the "note from her dad" - she's in the wrong office! She leaves. Ted is perplexed. Poor Ted.

Lisa comes into the hospital as Patrick is leaving. She tells him that Steven called and wants them to team up on a surgery. Steven interrupts. Lisa says she's had a couple of beers earlier and wants to know if the surgery can wait. Steven says it's scheduled for tomorrow and they'll have a meeting. Lisa teases Patrick asking if he can 'keep up'. He says she better bring his A-game. They do realize this surgery on a person, right?

Lucky throws another vase. Knock at the door. It's Liz. She wants to know what happened. He says he found the house that way. She thinks someone broke in and Lucky let's her believe it. He says he doesn't want to call the station in case it was just his dad on a bender. His teary eyes completely give him away but Liz doesn't see it. She starts to pick stuff up but Lucky says to leave it. He says it's a mess and it'll stay a mess until he figures out what to do. I don't think he's talking about the house!

Jason rehashes his conversation with Franco. He tells her that if he kills again, Franco will kill again, too. Sam wonders if it's a legitimate threat but Jason knows it is.

Sonny is leaving Kelly's which all of a sudden has a gorgeous city view. I don't remember that being there before. He meets Olivia. They talk about boring stuff from their past....something about churches and bad things...I don't know.

Ronnie and Dominic discuss how much Michael can handle. Ronnie thinks Michael will give them what they need. He says Sonny getting taken down by his own son is ironic. I think Ronnie has been listening to too much Alanis Morrisette.

Spencer (he does exist!) asks Nikolas why they have to leave. He metaphors that life is like a game and you have to follow the rules and Daddy broke the rules. Good parenting job, Nikolas. You and Liz are perfect for each other.

Lucky is on the phone with Laura and talking to her about Nikolas coming to Paris. He brings up how hard it must have been to not be able to see Nikolas all those years and wondering if he son would end up like a Cassadine. All the time, he's loading a gun.

Spinelli interrupts Sam and Jason blathering on - (thank God!) - She points out the room and Spinelli says he'd love to hear Stone Cold's reaction but they have more pressing matters. He says the hair found at the cabin was Sonny's.

Olivia and Sonny. So freaking bored. Seriously, I can't take this. They segue to Dante and Olivia says parents have to set standards although you tell kids to do one thing and they'll do the opposite. She thinks Sonny needs to pack up and get out of town. Sonny's all: whaaaaaaa?

Dominic/Dante doesn't want to do this to Michael but Ronnie can't understand why a man would confess the details of a murder to his own son. Ronnie gets a little soapbox-y and I'm with him every step of the way. Dominic/Dante starts to wuss out as I was dreading he would. He doesn't want to ruin Michael's life. Ronnie can't wait for this to be over. You and me both, babe.

Liz meets Steven at the hospital. She asks for the weekend off so she can surprise Lucky. You already surprised him, Liz. Steven gives her the weekend off. She informs him that Nikolas is moving to Paris. She insists that she's at peace with it and now she'd ready to devote herself to Lucky. Now?

Lucky stops NIkolas at the airstrip. Nik says she's sorry for the pain he caused. Lucky tells Nikolas that he wants him to stay. UGH.


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