Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 26 2010

Docks: Lulu wants to know how Nikolas could do this to her brother; she also calls Elizabeth a two-timing slut. She goes on about how much Elizabeth means to Lucky. Nikolas doesn't want to justify his behavior but he says he's sorry. Lulu doesn't think 'sorry' is good enough.

Jason's pad: Carly apologizes for spreading the gossip so fast but wanted Jason to hear about it from her. Jason says he already knew and Carly can't believe it. She bashes Liz worse than Lulu did - wow, is this 'hate on Elizabeth' day? She thinks Jason needs to take Jake back.

Olivia says the case isn't worth it if it's going to cause him such agita. The case Dominic/Dante has been working on for over a year. Now it's not worth it? Dominic/Dante thinks it's too late.

Sonny questions Michael's proclamation that Dominic is a cop. He tells Sonny that he's been conspiring with Johnny. It's not clear yet if Sonny believes him.


Robin is back! They discuss a few cases that Robin left to Patrick while she was away. It's some weird competition that Patrick makes up in his head. Also in his head? He won. Lisa and Ethan bring Mike into the hospital hall on a gurney. When did this happen? Ethan says he found Mike in an alley.

Lulu said she should've known the reason why Lucky started drinking. Nikolas rationalizes. Lulu yells at him a bit more. She wants to know why he didn't just slam the door in Elizabeth's face. Nikolas insists that it's all his fault. Lulu tells him not to defend "that tramp".

Jason tells Carly the reasons he gave up Jake still stands. Carly brings up a stupid hypothetical; what would happen if Lucky and Elizabeth got in a car crash. Jason says that's a whole other situation. They continue to argue their points. Jason thinks they still may stay together and get passed this. Carly: "An angry drunk pill-addict and a lying nymphomaniac? What part of that is better for Jake?" Hee. Oh, Carly.

Dominic gets ready to leave and says the warrant for Sonny should be ready any day now. He thinks Sonny's going away for a long time, but assures Olivia that Johnny will be safe. Olivia says that she's proud of him for getting the job done. After he leaves, she calls Dominic's lieutenant. Stop it, Olivia!

Sonny wants to know exactly what Michael saw and heard. He retells what he heard. Michael tries to make Dominic look more guilty but Sonny keeps wanting to hear about Johnny. Sonny thinks Michael is just jealous. Or at least he's just saying that to make sure Michael is telling the truth. Michael can't understand how Sonny doesn't believe him.

Nikolas insists he was the aggressor and not to blame Elizabeth. Lulu knows that Liz was a willing participant. Nikolas wants to know why Lulu is so mad at Elizabeth. She insists that she's plenty pissed at Nikolas as well. She's more mad at Elizabeth because Liz puts on such a moral front. Nikolas defends himself and Elizabeth. Lulu isn't buying it. She walks away.

Dominic/Dante updates Jax on the situation. He wants to know why Jax is willing to risk his relationship with Carly. He says he'll do anything to protect his family. He says he'll talk to Carly about his involvement once Sonny is arrested. How much you want to bet she'll find out before he has a chance to speak to her?

Jason doesn't want Carly to call Elizabeth names. She can't believe Jason is defending Elizabeth. Carly accurately depicts the situation: Out of all the people Elizabeth chose to sleep with, she picked Lucky's brother. Wasn't Carly sleeping with AJ and Jason at the same time? Sam walks in during this. Jason cuts the conversation short by saying that he'll never be Jake's father. He and Carly both see Sam.

Sonny thinks if Dominic were an undercover cop, he would have busted Sonny by now and he says Johnny would never work with a cop. Michael insists he heard them. Sonny says he's not going to kill Dominic because Michael says so. Michael once again he's choosing Dominic over him. He leaves. The phone rings. It's Robin. She tells Sonny about Mike.

Johnny drops by Olivia's but she's on her way out. He wants to hang out but she says she has something to do for Dante. She invites him to stay and he goes in her apartment.

Alexis' house: Keifer wants to go back to his place with Kristina and spend the whole day in bed. He's one horny lil fucker, huh? She thinks all he thinks about is sex. Well, Kristina, he is a teenage boy. He "just wants to be with [her]." He guilts her until she agrees. Their kiss is interrupted by Michael who needs to talk to Kristina. Alone. She tells Keifer she'll see him later. He leaves in a huff. Michael tells Kristina about undercover cop Dominic/Dante. He says he's going to go to Jason. Kristina says he can't.

Carly tells Sam about Elizabeth and that Lucky is drinking again. Jason says he has a lot to think about. Carly wants to know if Jason is mad at him. In a roundabout way, he tells her he's not. She leaves, but not before guilting him a little bit more about Jake. Sam wonders if Carly is right that Lucky has had enough and he will leave Elizabeth and the boys.

Sonny arrives at the hospital and asks Robin where Mike is. Ethan tells Sonny what happened and Sonny says he appreciates what Ethan did. Patrick and Lisa arrive on the scene. Sonny wants the best and he knows Patrick is it. Patrick says he would normally agree (geez...ego much?), but since the surgery is orthopedic, Lisa is the best person for the surgery. Since when do you get to go into a hospital and pick your surgeon?

Lulu comes to the hospital and asks Epiphany if she's seen her cell phone. She sees Elizabeth and marches right up to her calling her names. Lulu: "I hope you burn in hell". Whoa, dude. Robin looks on.

Whoa. Ephipany, Patrick, Lisa, Robin, Ethan, Sonny and even some extras are all watching. Ethan comes over and asks for confirmation regarding what Lulu just revealed. Lulu wants her to tell everyone what a tramps he is. Ethan concludes that that's why Rebecca went to Paris. Liz is turning pale; more than usual while Lulu berates her for about five minutes. Seriously - it goes on for a while. She even jokes that Liz will go sleep with her third brother. She finally finishes and walks off.

Jason tells Sam about what Carly thinks should happen now. Jason still doesn't think Jake should have to live the life he leads. Sam starts talking about Jake in a similar vein to Carly but then cuts herself short because she doesn't want to sound like Carly. Jason says he wants her opinion. Sam would love Jake to get to know his dad but thinks the decision is ultimately his.

Michael thinks telling Jason is the right thing but Kristina doesn't want this to end in murder which she knows will ultimately happen. Also, she thinks Jason will get caught and get the death penalty. Kristina thinks maybe Michael should take it to Jax. Michael says that Jax hates Sonny but Kristina reasons that Jax wouldn't want Michael, Morgan and Carly to suffer Sonny going to prison. Sure.

Perfect cut to Jax: He talks about how Sonny has been in his life because they have the same taste in women. He tells Dominic that Jason isn't the same. He says if Jason ever got arrested because of him, it would definitely be over between him and Carly. He also says that Jason doesn't manipulate Carly like Sonny has and isn't as a direct of a threat as Sonny so Jason gets a free pass.

Olivia visits the lieutenant but instead finds Agent Rainier because this is now a federal matter. Olivia wants them to drop the case against Sonny because the arresting officer, "Dante Falconari", is Sonny's son.

Liz's hand is bandaged. She hands Epiphany some papers while getting a disapproving eye. Ethan chats a bit with Liz. He offers to drive her home. This...is not a smart idea.

Jason tells Sam that Jake was an accident but he loves him. But he doesn't say it as crassly as I just did. He says if Jake needs someone to step up and make a decision, he wants to make sure he'll make the right one. He still thinks Lucky and Elizabeth are the best parents for Jake despite everything that's transpired.

Michael goes to see Jax. He tells Jax what Jax already knows.

Detective Rainier is pretty pissed that Olivia has been quiet about this for more than a year. She pretty much blackmails him into taking Dominic off the case, although it would mean extending the case for another year. He dismisses her and then makes a phonecall to push the warrant for Sonny through ASAP.

Lulu stops by Dominic/Dante's.. She hugs him (she needed that) and tells Dominic everything about Lulu and Nikolas. She needs to know if Dominic/Dante really cares about her or if it's part of his cover. Dominic/Dante finally reveals that he loves her. Aww. I give this relationship my seal of approval.

Sonny stops by Jason's. Sam excuses herself because Sonny looks frazzled. He tells Jason what Michael said. Jason's not sure what to say. Sonny says it could be jealousy. Jason's brain starts working. Everyone stand back.

Olivia comes back, satisfied. Johnny thinks she was with Sonny. She knew he thought that but insists she was. Johnny is just happy that she doesn't look stressed anymore.

Michael is trying to convince Jax about Dominic. Jax says he believes him and says he'll call in a few favors. He says he needs something in return: He doesn't want Carly stressed about this and wants to make sure she doesn't know.

Lulu is surprised about Dante's reveal. Can I just call him Dante now? He insists that it's true. He says it again to make sure it gets through. She says it back. They make out. I bet they're going to have sex now! Nope, his cell rings. It's Rainier. He says they're going to arrest Sonny on Friday. He says she needs to go because he doesn't want to drag her down in this. Lulu is perplexed, as am I. He sadly tells her again that she just needs to go. She does.


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