Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25 2010

Special Weather Report so I'm missing the beginning. It's raining in New York. That's enough to interrupt GH. Blah.


My broadcast starts with Maxie at the PCPD. Mac is calling Spinelli and Jason "common criminals." Sam interrupts to see what's going on.

Back at the house of shame: Lucky says he knows Nikolas and Liz have been screwing behind his back. Liz tries to grovel. She knows it was "wrong". Lucky has a better word for it: "sick". He wonders how he could be so blind to what she really is. Love, Lucky. We covered this on Friday.


Jason tells Sonny what he told Maxie to tell the police. This is what I must have missed during the weather report. Look at that, I'm all caught up. Sonny doesn't trust Maxie but Jason does because of Spinelli. Sonny brings up Maxie's infidelities which he thinks proves she's not loyal. Spinelli comes in and interrupts. He tells them that Maxie has been escorted downtown.

Mac doesn't want the interruption. He takes Maxie to the interrogation room. Diane walks in and asks what's going on. Diane wants to know why Maxie is being questioned without council. Sam says that Mac insists he can question his daughter about whatever he wants. Diane ain't havin' that. She makes up a docking citation to get closer to the room and innocently asks a policeman extra what's going on. He doesn't answer because other wise they have to pay the actor more. She takes it as an opportunity to overhear and moseys on into the room asking ever so politely why he's questioning her without a lawyer present.

Dominic and Johnny on the Docks of Confessions Where Anyone Can Overhear or DoCWACO for short: They discuss Sonny leaving the organization to Dom. Johnny doesn't want it and doesn't think Sonny would give it to him. They agree Jason doesn't want it either. Johnny wonder's about Michael. Dominic says Michael can't handle it and that he's a mess. He says Sonny blames himself for it. Dominic/Dante says he's wrapping up what he came here to do.

Haunted Star: Luke ponders how kids can share the same DNA and be so different; his own kids in particular. He feels for Lucky saying he has no armor. He thinks the whole betrayal is pretty ugly.

Whore House: Liz wants to know who told Lucky. He says he heard her tell Nikolas she loves him and he saw them screwing. Liz claims she loves him. Lucky says you don't do that to someone you love. Nik wants Lucky to blame him. Lucky's all: Don't worry, I hate you too. He reminds Liz about the first betrayal with Jason. Nikolas tries to defend her. Lucky wants to know what it is about cheating that turns her on so much. He's being insanely cruel and it's. Awesome. Liz says they shouldn't be doing this while he's drunk. Really, Liz? Lucky blames himself also. He says he should have known and rattles off all the clues. They're all crying and it's all sad and I wish he would just stab them.

Spinellis says he called Diane to go down too the PCPD to help Maxie out but Sonny thinks that was a dumb move because it shows that Maxie is trying to hide something. Jason gets him out of getting skewered by Sonny by sending him down to the PCPD to see what's going on. Jason think's the only alternative is to tell the truth and have Diane prepare a self-defense case for Michael. Sonny wants to know what's going on with Jason: if Franco messed him up more than he thought.

Hospital: Lulu asks Epiphany if they have al-anon meetings at the hospital. She lists off the dates, times and places. She asks Epiphany if there has been any missing medication taken lately: specifically pain pills.

Lucky continues to lay it on his brother. He calls Nikolas a Cassadine down to the bottom of his soul. Nikolas cliches that they didn't mean for it to happen. Liz tells him that what he saw was the end of the affair. He wants to know when it started. Nikolas says it doesn't matter because it's over. Nik and Lucky almost come to blows. Lucky still wants to know what happened. Liz swears he'll never touch Nikolas again but Lucky says that the marriage is off and they can do whatever they want to do. Nikolas draws the line at Lucky calling Liz a slut. He wants Lucky to take it out on him.

Olivia's apartment: Dominic/Dante shows up. She wants to know if Sonny is being arrested. Dominic says soon but that's not why he came over. Suddenly Olivia plays 'concerned mother' and offers him some food but Dominic/Dante just wants to talk. Dante/Dominic says he hates his job. He feels for Sonny. He doesn't want to see the look of betrayal in his eyes. He talks about how much Sonny likes him and treats him like he's a son.

Jason says it's not about Franco. Sonny insists that no matter what, they don't give up Michael.

Mac, with Diane present, wants to know what Maxie saw that night. She recants the story just like she practiced Diane says the stain could have been mud, cocoa, soy sauce...."sonny is wild about sushi". Hee. Mac wants to know if Sonny was alone.

Luke remembers a time when Lucky's way of dealing things was being the opposite of him. Tracy wants him to stop feeling sorry for himself. She says Lucky is going to need Luke now more than ever.

Nikolas again tries to defend Liz by saying she wanted to end it. Lucky thinks Nikolas trying to save face now is embarrassing. Carly knocks on the door. She's the last person Liz wants to see right now. Lucky goes to answer the door. Carly can sense the tension and says she just came to invite them to Josslyn's christening. Didn't she send invitations? Lucky says he'll be there but thinks Nikolas and Liz will be "busy". Nik and Lucky get a bit heated again before Carly quietly says "I'm gonna go." Her face is priceless. Liz thinks Carly is going to tell the world. She wants him to think about the boys. Lucky gets extremely harsh throwing words like "bitch". "lying" and "manipulative" around in the same sentence. He doesn't want her to use the boys to manipulate him. Whoa. I have never ever seen Lucky like this. It's kind of awesome.

Liz says she's never used Cameron and Jake but Lucky insists she has. He rightly says that she used Lucky as her safety net; a good dad to take care of her boys while she "whored around". Nikolas thinks this has gone too far. Lucky says she'll get what she deserves. He finally calms down asking her what happened to that 'precious little girl [he] found trembling in the snow.' So he prefers post-rape Elizabeth? Dude. Even I thought that went a little too far.

Epiphany wants to know why Lulu is asking about missing drugs. Lulu tells her that Lucky is drinking again and fears he might start stealing drugs again. Epiphany says that nothing's been stolen and won't be. She guesses that Lulu wants to go to Al-Anon to help Lucky stop drinking but that's not what it's for. She says Al-Anon is to help Lulu deal with Lucky's addiction. [The more you know!] Lulu knows there's something else going on but she doesn't know what.

Jason is leaving a message for Spinelli to find out what happened at the PCPD. It's Carly at the door! She's got gossip and ran straight to Jason with it. She hints at the situation by telling Jason that he never should have given up custody of Jake. Jason wants to know if there's something wrong with Jake. She tells him that Liz is no longer an angel and has been sleeping with Nikolas.

Haunted Star: Lucky is back for another drink. Luke gets it for him and jokes that there's only room for one bitter Spencer. Hee. They talk about love again. Didn't we have this conversation already? He talks in metaphors about how much he loved Elizabeth. He tells Luke about what transpired between the two of them. He says he doesn't feel angry or sad; he feels nothing. Luke says that won't last.

Mom Olivia has gotten Dominic/Dante food. Olivia's not surprised that someone respects and likes her son. Dominic/Dante talks about liking and on some level admiring Sonny. UGH. I feel this awful pit in my stomach every time he talks like that, like he's going to be the reason that Sonny doesn't go to jail.

Carly happily rehashes her short five minute visit to the Webber house. She doesn't even seem that upset that her addict cousin has been drinking. She says she feels bad for Lucky, but she seems more happy about Elizabeth getting her just desserts. Jason thinks this is none of his business but Carly reminds Jason that the reason he gave up Jake is because he thought Lucky and Liz would raise Jake right.

Liz sits and feels bad for herself. Nikolas continues to defend her. - It's really just that for a few minutes until Liz yells at NIkolas to leave. She even says she hates him. Becky Herbst has a nice moment after he leaves breaking down.

Lucky is on his second(?) drink. Luke hopes he's numb because the full weight of this is going to hit him soon. Maybe he should just keep drinking, then. They philosophize about love again. Luke has faith in Lucky that he'll get passed this.

Dominic remembers his thoughts before the case against Sonny started and he never thought it would end up this way. Olivia thinks he needs to walk away from this tonight.

Diane is at Sonny's She tells him about Maxie. Michael interrupts and says he needs to speak to Sonny. Diane leaves saying she'll keep him posted. Sonny wants to know what he did and Michael is offended that he thinks Michael 'did something'. Michael says he overheard Dominic and he's not who he says he is. He tells Sonny that Dominic is working undercover for the cops.

Lulu sees Nikolas on the docks. She says she's thinking of calling Lainey to stage an intervention. Nikolas guesses that Lulu hasn't seen Lucky yet. Yeah, Nikolas. That's why she's not ripping your throat out right now. He says he and Liz saw him and says that Lucky knows the truth, then tells Lulu the truth. Lulu reacts just like we would think: She gets the nails out.

Music montage! Elizabeth has trashed the house. She's sitting on the stairs, crying.

Talking over the montage! Lucky finally understands the AA (or NA) adage "Just for today" is about. Luke doesn't think it's that black and white. Lucky thinks there's something to be said for taking off the ''rose colored glasses". Luke warns him to be careful. He doesn't want Lucky to turn into an old bitter jaded queen. Ok, those were my words.


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