Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 18 2010

Let's get to it:

Sonny wants to get to know Dante before he goes to prison. Olivia says it's not up to her. He is 'just askin' her for help to get to know his son. Except he says it in this pretty douchey, 'I am king of the world', 'everyone should do everything I say' way.

Also askin' for favors? Morgan. He wants Dante to keep Sonny out of prison. But he's more adorable about it. Dante says he can't do it. They're interrupted by Jason who was apparently summoned by Morgan. Morgan has an idea. He thinks Dante should work for Sonny for real! Oh, kid.

Lucky wonders to his dad if he's the reason that Elizabeth is in Shadybrook. Luke doesn't think so and believes Lucky acted perfectly reasonable. Lucky thinks he should just tell Elizabeth he'll be there for her and the boys to get her through the crisis. Luke thinks that's a bad idea.

Helena(!) was disappointed that Liz is carrying Nikolas' baby. Liz wants to know how Helena knew. Helena: "I know everything". Hee! She continues to insult (compliment?) Liz and at one point says, "You're a liar. You'd lie down for anyone". Nice pun, Helena! Meanwhile Liz is crazily playing with her coat's belt. Helena is happy that Liz was able to accomplish something she was never able to do: put a riff between Lucky and Nikolas. She wants to be friends and says she hopes the baby will develop Liz's mean streak. Liz despises her and says she will never get near her child. Helena: "And who do you suppose will stop me?" Evil!


Liz crazies for a bit yelling for Helena to get out. This fuels Helena's case when an orderly comes in to see Liz acting crazy and Helena acting completely calm. It helps that Shadybrook is funded in a large part by Helena and she has people there working for her. Awesome.

Luke thinks that only Elizabeth can help herself and it will only hurt if Lucky tries to be the hero. Lucky insists that he and Elizabeth are over but needs to help for Cameron and Jake's sake. Luke thinks about the new baby pondering the question we're all thinking: "Haven't you had your fill yet, of raising other men's children?" True dat, home slice.

Alexis is at Wyndemere. She's happy he called her to be her attorney. He recaps the last few months in a few sentences. He wants to make sure he protects his legal rights to the child that is probably his.

Sonny whines like a baby. Olivia doesn't buy it. He thinks she owes him which proves he still has no idea why she hid Dante's paternity to begin with. Sonny thinks shared blood means something. Olivia, "To you." Sonny begs her one more time to help out. Olivia says it's up to Dante and she won't force him.

Morgan tries to convince Jason and Dante of his plan. They try to carefully explain the deal but Morgan doesn't really get it. After Morgan leaves, Dante makes it clear to Jason that he's not going to protect Sonny.

Carly visits Jason but he's not there. Sam lets her in. She informs Sam of Sonny's new plea and tells her that they need to lie to the police that they lied in their original statement which they they're lying with a new lie to replace the old lie. For fuck's sake. Carly has a brainstorm but we don't hear it yet.

Luke and Lucky discuss baby daddy drama. Lucky won't raise the new kid if it's not his but he still cares too much about Cameron and Jake. Luke wants him to think it through before he makes a bad situation worse.

Liz crazily looks out the window and imagines Lucky, Nikolas and Jason seeing her in a vegetative Laura state in that big white rocking chair. Dream Lucky says all of Cameron's friends call her "crazy slut". Ohhh...that may be the next great moniker. She imagines them saying some more awful stuff and when she breaks out of it, she sinks to the floor continuing the crazy.

Sonny is on the phone with (Diane) and she's still arguing the plea. Let it go, girl. Sonny says to get it done and he has better things to do. What a douchey douche. Morgan comes in. Sonny says when it gets nicer, he wants to take Morgan and Michael out on the boat. Morgan suggests that Dante come along. Sonny doesn't think that will happen. Morgan explains his plan to Sonny. Sonny tells him it won't work.

Sam is packing up the V-day stuff when Jason comes in. She tells him about Carly stopping by. He tells her that Dante wants nothing to do with Sonny and he wonders if he might be in the exact same situation one day with Jake.

Patrick visits Crazy Slut who is still on the floor. He pops a squat next to her. She wants Patrick to tell her that he's real. Patrick makes a cute joke about being too good to be true which seems to snap CS out of it. He tells her that he and Robin both care about her very much. He thinks she's brave for committing herself.

Lucky has been summoned to Wyndemere by NIkolas. He makes some cracks about the place and Nikolas. Nikolas tells him that he hired Alexis to make sure that the child's rights are protected. Lucky thinks that means Nikolas is going to take away the baby but Nikolas says that when Elizabeth is better, he wants to marry her. My eyes roll into the back of my head as I imagine Nikolas with four kids that he'll ignore.

Sonny tries to explain why Morgan's plan won't work. Morgan thinks that sons are supposed to do what their dads tell them. Sonny explains that Dante is a grown man and...seriously. Is this kid retarded now? Is he five years old with no concept of reality? I thought he was supposed to be smart. Sonny says he's proud of Dante even though they disagree on what's right. Here's a list of what Sonny believes is right from his own mouth: "To have the courage of his convictions, respect, loyalty, when you give your word, you keep it, you protect your family and people you love". Murder isn't listed.

Jason guilts himself about Jake and Michael. Sam tells Jason about Sonny's plea plan.

Lucky's all, "say what?" Lucky thinks that Nikolas is being stupid. Nikolas says if he's the kids father, he's not going anywhere. And ultimately it's Elizabeth's choice.

CS loves that Patrick and Robin can talk and share. CS asks Patrick how he'd feel if Robin cheated on him with his brother. Patrick says he'd be hurt but everyone's human....and I think he's just being nice. Patrick says she just needs to concentrate on himself. She hugs him and he leaves. Helena comes in and accuses her of throwing herself at yet another man.

Diane is worried about her retainer and her shoe budget. Hee. But seriously, she's worried. Sonny plans out Carly and Sam's defenses and it's all a lot of work and relying on a lot of people to lie. For someone who chides Olivia for lying every chance he gets, he's certainly expecting a lot of people to lie for him. Diane, Sam, Jason, Dante, Carly - the list goes on.

Carly makes a surprise visit to Dante's room. I guess this is her brainstorm.

Dante snarks that he's sorry he couldn't make it to the christening but he had a fresh bullet wound in his chest. Carly says a lot of people are going to be affected by all this including Lulu. Dante quickly makes it known that Lulu is not open for discussion. Carly thinks he used Morgan and he needs to make it right. Dante says that he'd do it all again and no matter what he does now, Sonny will go to prison. Carly suggest that he could lie to the cops that he falsified the evidence.

Diane goes over the non-facts of the case. They make up the entire story before our eyes. It's all so pathetic. Jason walks in and overhears the last part. He tells Sonny that he can't let him do that.

Wyndemere: Luke comes in, ready to attack. He wants to know if Nikolas knew that Helena was in town. He did. Luke knows that once Helena finds out about Elizabeth, she'll be planning something. He warns that if anything happens to any of his kids or Elizabeth, he'll "have to do something about it".

CS tells Helena that Patrick is a friend. Helena snarks that that's how it starts. She calls her a predator and the town tramp. Helena thinks she should get Elizabeth declared as an unfit mother. Lucky comes in, gun cocked, warning Helena to get away from CS or he'll blow her head off. Whoa!


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