Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2 2010

Happy Groundhog's Day! Will Sonny see his five-o-clock shadow?

We begin with a short retread of what happened yesterday: Jason overhearing the DVD of Franco that Molly and Morgan are playing. Sam, Jax, Carly & Michael hear too. Carly informs everyone that the package was addressed to Josselyn and they received it before they left for the church. Molly is really scared!

Lulu frantically searches for Dominic's phone when Max walks in. She wants to know what Sonny did to Dominic.

Olivia catches Sonny talking about his parentage to an unconscious Dante and isn't too thrilled.

Credits: I figured as soon as Sonny knew, Dominic/Dante would be on the credits. Nope. After a year, still nothing.

Lisa explains the surgery to Patrick and Robin. Patrick wants to operate. Lisa insists that this is her area of expertise and Robin agrees. Patrick counters that Dominic is a cop and could die and then inflates his own ego by saying that if anyone but he operates, Sonny will go to jail for killing a cop.

Mac drags Maxie to the police interrogation room where Agent Ranier is standing. She rambles about nothing important and he cuts her off. He tries to drill it into her head that she has to testify. She recognizes Agent Ranier and calls him "that mean agent guy who made trouble for Spinelli." Agent Ranier likes that moniker. Ronnie comes in. He informs them that Dante (without saying his name) never met him where they were supposed to. Mac suspects Sonny. Maxie tells Mac that Sonny didn't show up to the christening either. Another officer enters. This is like a Marx Brothers movie! He informs everyone that an ambulance went to Sonny's estate to pick up a gun shot victim. They all assume the victim is Sonny. Ronnie gives away the under cover's name and Maxie is shocked. Way to go, Ronnie. On that point, he said Dominic and not Dante. If he was going to accidently slip up and say the undercover cop's name - why not say his real name? No one seems to care. I guess that's because the case is over. Ranier drops another bomb: that Sonny is Dante's father.

Johnny runs into Sonny's living room. Max is there sans Lulu. He fills Johnny in that Lulu saw the blood and ran off. He says that he saw the security feed which showed Dominic getting picked up by an ambulance. I'm assuming there was no feed in the house that could show who shot Dominic.

Steve kicks Olivia and Sonny out while he checks on Dominic some more. Olivia chides Sonny for telling Dominic who he is while fighting for his life. Sonny said he just wanted to calm Dominic down. He scolds her for keeping the secret this long and says he's not going to leave his son now.

The Jax clan, along with Jason and Carly are all wondering about the DVD. The adults want the kids to leave but they think they have a right to know what's going on. Sam finally tries to get them out of the room, but not before Lulu barges in asking if Sonny killed Dominic.

Lulu tells Jason what she saw at Sonny's and wants to know what happened. Jason says he doesn't know but Lulu is incredulous. She drops the bomb about Dominic being an undercover cop. Carly's all whaaaaaaaaa? She keeps asking what happened but Jason honestly says he doesn't know. She tells Jason that she's going to check the hospital and if she finds out that Sonny's dead, her next stop will be the police where she'll tell them everything she knows about Sonny and Jason and their organization. Whoa, dude!

Robin still argues that Patrick shouldn't be head surgeon in Dante's case but Lisa for some reason all of a sudden becomes Patrick's head cheerleader. Steve intervenes telling Robin that someone needs to talk Sonny down.

Maxie doesn't believe Renier's statement that Sonny is Dante's father. Ronnie says he's known Dante his whole life and says it's impossible. Mac, who has lived in Port Charles for a very long time and knows there are illegitimate kids around every corner, considers it. He asks Renier where all this came from. He tells them that Olivia told him. That makes Ronnie believe. Max thinks it's ironic that Sonny tried to kill his own kid. Wait, when did they find out that it was Dante who was shot and not Sonny?

Patrick gets naked in the locker room when Lisa comes in and they discuss the case. Lisa eyes Patrick's body but we don't get to see yet because apparently the director thought that her reaction was more important. Bad, director, bad.

Sonny tries to get into it with Olivia again about the lying. She doesn't want to get into it now, but when Sonny forces the issue, she retorts with the fact that he shoots people for a living. He keeps going on about the betrayal. He wants to know what was so bad that she had to withhold the truth. I think she just told you, Sonny. He blames the whole mess on Olivia, saying if she had told the truth, he wouldn't have shot Dante. Yes, it's her fault that you kill people for a living. Dick. They get into a yelling match when Robin interrupts to tell him to calm down. So here it is. Sonny has been betrayed. Let the wrath begin.

We finally get to see Patrick's lovely body as they continue to discuss the case. When he's dressed, Lisa questions Patrick's reasons for doing the surgery. He insists he's the best man for the job.

Jason finds out what happened to Dante on the phone with the hospital. Morgan is worried. Carly is pissed. Jax is mum. Kristina gets incredibly angry saying her dad is basically the devil. To Michael's disbelief, she announces that she wishes her dad would go to prison for the rest of his life. Sam takes her and Molly away. Michael defends Sonny to the remaining party. Morgan wants to see Dominic at the hospital. Jason goes instead. Michael is left alone with Jax and asks him what went wrong. Jax lies that he doesn't know.

Renier shows up at Sonny's pad flashing his credentials with Ronnie and some cops. Max who has completely cleaned the place let's him in. Ronnie says that they won't get away with this and that the two paramedics who came in can testify that there was blood in the living room. I'm sure CSI Port Charles can use a UV light or something.

Olivia talks to Dante by his bedside encouraging him. She goes on for a while.. Johnny stops by. She thinks Johnny is there to unload on him but he's not. He's there to be by her side. And this is why we love Johnny.

Robin tries to calm Sonny down. He talks about everything he's said before. She lied to me....blah blah blah...Dominic was awesome like me...blah blah blah...why didn't I see it? Blah.

Lulu finds Matt(!) and asks about Dominic. After he updates her on the situation, she sees Sonny and goes crazy on his ass but is held off by Robin. Go Lulu. I know a lot of people don't like Lulu and for a while she was starting to annoy me, but I'm completely warming up to her. It might just be that anyone who hates Sonny is OK in my book.

When we come back, Lulu is still going crazy. Nikolas shows up and tries to hold her back as well. Sonny's only defense was that he didn't know. He tells a shocked Lulu that he's Dante's father. So wait...it's ok to kill people if they're not your son?

Patrick and Lisa scrub for the surgery but Steven walks in and informs him that he'll be doing the surgery with Lisa's assist. Don't they have a board where the chief of surgery tells them what surgeries they're going to be doing? Even last minute surgeries are assigned. Don't these people watch Grey's Anatomy? Patrick argues that the victim's father wants him to do the surgery while Steven argues that Patrick is a brain surgeon. Steven wins the argument by basically saying that he's the boss and his dad could beat up Patrick's dad.

Johnny thinks he should have known about Dante since he and Olivia are so much alike. Olivia talks like a mom and praises her son. Lulu comes in with Nikolas. Johnny gives her his seat and Olivia confirms the parentage mystery to her.

Carly tries to calm her family down and be all optimistic. Morgan agrees with Kristina that her dad's a murderer. Michael and Morgan argue about Sonny and Dominic. Carly tries to cheer Morgan up by telling him that not all gun shot wounds are life-threatening. Another Port Charles statistic. In fact, he'll probably be out of the hospital in a week!

Jason stops by the hospital and asks Robin if he could talk to Sonny alone. Sonny fills Jason in on everything. Jason thinks they need to get Sonny out of the country but Sonny doesn't want to leave his son.

Commercials: Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin are hosting the Oscars. Really?

Jason tries to convince Sonny to leave the country but he's not having it. What happened to those cops from yesterday? Jason calls Diane.

Maxie and Robin gossip about Dante and Sonny.

Olivia laments with Lulu.

Steven informs Nikolas and Johnny that he'll be doing the surgery and then tells Lulu and Olivia that someone will be here soon to take Dante to surgery.

Morgan wonders if Dominic was really his friend. Jax and Carly convince him that he is.

Patrick gets naked again to change back to his regular clothes. Lisa ogles, as do I. Patrick is worried about Dante. He doesn't seem to trust Steven and asks Lisa to be there in lieu of him and do her best.

Maxie talks to Johnny about Dante. He wonders why Sonny isn't in jail. Johnny snarks about "poor Sonny". He feels for Lulu and Olivia and walked away because he didn't want to tear into Sonny in front of them.

Sonny argues with Steven that he wants Patrick to do the surgery. Steven insists that he's the best man for the job. Sonny threatens him that he'd better save his son's life. Yeah, because added tension is really what a surgeon needs. What a dick.
He goes to stand by Dante's door, watching Olivia beg Dante to pull through this. Dante wakes up to see Lulu. She tells him she loves him and kisses his forehead.

Morgan doesn't understand why Sonny would shoot someone who saved his life. Carly teaches Morgan how to pray. Jax looks guilty.

Lulu has been left alone with Nikolas. She knows she's supposed to be mad at Nikolas but she's too worried. He let's her spill her thoughts onto him.

Michael arrives at the hospital and asks jason about Dominic's condition. Jason fills Michael in on Sonny's patronage. Sonny walks in and confirms it. Ronnie gets off the elevator and arrests Sonny in front of Olivia and Johnny. He takes Sonny's gun and wonders aloud if it was the gun he used to shoot Dante. He's completely angry for his friend but manages to get out the first few lines of the miranda rights. Sonny basically waives the right to remain silent. He says he won't leave while his son is in surgery but the cops drag him away.

Surgery: Patrick looks through a window at the surgery. Dante slips into a dream. He watches a young version of himself on what looks like a fake Brooklyn street. Sonny gets out of a limo. Young Dante, who looks like the actor who plays Morgan (maybe it's him?), runs after Sonny with a stickball bat. Sonny shoots him. Back on the operating table, Dante has flat-lined.


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