Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1 2010

Welcome to my first day of unemployment! YAY!

Lucky is driving (always a bad idea) and talking on his blue tooth telling whomever is on the other end that he is watching for a possible crime in progress.

Jason and Sam go over the plan. They wish each other luck and go on their separate ways.

Court: Judge Meany wants to give his verdict but he wants to make something clear first. What, judge, what?? Before he can really say anything, Carly comes in and objects. At what? She says this is all about her husband getting revenge on her ex-husband. *sigh*

Credits: Even Jason Cook doesn't know why he's there.

Shooting at the warehouse. Ethan and Johnny are in a pickle. Ethan criticizes Johnny's [lack of] plan. Johnny knows what he's doing except he doesn't.

Crazy is in her room when Nikolas enters. He brings Cam and Jake. She's happy to seem them. Cam wants to know when Mommy is coming home.

Lucky catches Jason in a car that he doesn't normally drive parked next to the court house. He asks Jason for his license and registration to which Jason complies although he doesn't think Lucky is quite serious at this point. Lucky talks about the new Judge and Claire. Lucky asks Jason to get out of the car. He knows Jason's plan but Jason denies it.

Judge wants to know how a non-lawyer can object. Welcome to Port Charles, Judge. Carly says she has information that's vital. Judge wants to hear it. Alexis objects but Judge Meany is in charge! He wants to hear it! She explains the animosity between Jax and Sonny and her involvement with the two of them. She says that people [read: Claire] are swayed by Jax's power and riches. The judge thinks she's hinting at him but she says she's not. Claire interjects but is shot down. The judge wants to hear from Sonny.

Jake's: Patrick doesn't want to complain to Lisa about his marriage except he kinda was. He talks about how the HIV and how it's brought them together but he says there's a barrier between the present Robin and the past Robin. Lisa reminisces about a time when Patrick got trapped outside their hotel room naked which is an image I don't mind conjuring up. They order more beers and ask Coleman to join them in darts.

Sonny gets a chance to to defend himself. He tells the judge that his kids mean everything to him and that's why he's not a flight risk. He mentions all of his children including "Officer Falconeri" who kinda rolls his eyes.

Lucky waits with Jason. He tells Jason that the hearing should have been over by now which doesn't bode well for Sonny. Jason tells him he can go but Lucky is glad to be there so he doesn't have to go to Shadybrook and think about Elizabeth and the baby that may or may not be his. He thinks it's ironic that he's spilling about an affair to someone who had an affair with Elizabeth. Jason wants to know if he can help. Lucky says that the only thing that's clear is that Cam and Jake are still his kids.

Elizabeth has some "happy news" for her sons. She's pregnant! Yay! Cam is excited and Jake just picks at the card they made for her. Takes after his dad, that one. Cam deduces that his mom is at Shadybrook because she's sick. With a baby. She lies and says she's not sick; just tired and that she needs to rest. Elizabeth thanks Nikolas for bringing the boys back and asks him to come back after he drops them off.

Judge Meany wants everyone to get their act together. The verdict finally arrives: Sonny will not have to go to jail for the time being. Court is set for two weeks. Claire "congratulates' the opposing council but says what she learned will help her prepare for the trial. Diane giggles as she leaves. Carly comforts Sonny while Dante and Lulu look on.

Lucky talks about being a dad to Jake. Jason is happy with how Lucky has been with Jake. Lucky thinks the boys need consistency. Lucky talks about what a great kid Jake is and tells Jason he's going to 'do the right thing'. Jason gives Lucky a piece of advice: tell the truth. About what? Who Jake's dad is? Lying is all these people do. Sam runs in and tells Jason that Sonny is still free on bail. Lucky snarks about the coincidence that Sam and Jason just happened to plan to meet there outside the court house.

Patrick, Lisa and Coleman continue to play darts and drink and reminisce. Patrick won the dart game. Lisa challenges him to a rematch. "Loser has to 'up and over'" Coleman wants to know what that is. So do I.

Alexis tells Diane that "we got lucky". Diane thinks it's not a problem but Alexis warns Diane not to play into Claire's hands. Outside the court room, Jax is pissed at Carly: "You certainly left no question to where you stand", he says. Carly defends herself by saying she wasn't going to let Jax railroad Sonny by using his influences. She's pretty much using morality to defend a mobster. Jax pretty much says the same thing and walks away. She makes no sense. Back inside, Dante thinks Sonny will be convicted so it doesn't matter about the bail. Lulu asks him how he feels about what Sonny said about his kids. Dante jokes that it doesn't really have any resonance since Sonny shot him point blank in the chest. Lulu gets interrupted by a call from Kate. She takes it outside. This gives Sonny the opportunity to talk to Dante. He thanks Dante for what he said on the stand. He wants to get to know his son but Dante says it won't matter because Sonny is going to prison. Sonny says he hopes not and walks outside to see Carly. She asks him if he's made any headway with Dante but Sonny says no and that it'll probably have to wait until after the trial. He's pretty confident, isn't he? Claire walks by and tells Sonny to "enjoy [his] freedom while it lasts".

Carly wants to know if it breaches ethics for the prosecuting attorney to threaten the man on trial. Claire thanks Carly for showing the judge her prejudice early on and she looks forward to putting her on the stand. Sonny says Carly was right about Jax. Carly says that Sonny is innocent. Claire has done her research on Sonny and says he hasn't been innocent since he went to work for Joe Scully. She looks forward to convicting him and says it'll make her career. She leaves and Diane walks by. She wants to know what Claire said and Sonny tells her. She thinks Claire may be right and they go off to strategize.

Lulu comes back to the courtroom. She wants to take Dante back to the hospital. Dante flirts that he just wants to take her home. Claire comes in and stops them.

Jason is at the warehouse figuring out what happened there. He tells Bernie on the phone that the whole shipment is there except for one thing. What, Jason, what??

Lucky drops by the Haunted Star. Don't these people ever go home, put their feet up and watch their stories while eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's? Just me then? Apparently Luke called him. There's a lot of 'summoning' in this town. Lucky thinks it's about Elizabeth but Luke is frazzled that his cigar connection, Carlos, was busted. Luke wants his 'cop son' to fix the problem. Lucky scoffs at the idea at first but then says he'll check to see if he can get Carlos off. He then says he's going to go talk to Elizabeth and be honest with her this time.

Nikolas comes back to Crazy's room. She thanks him for bringing the boys by. She feels like "the worst mother in the world." Her words. Nikolas says he's been trying to help out Audrey with the boys even inviting them over to play with Spencer. Crazy makes it clear that they're not going to be a family.

Carly has come home with Sonny and Diane yapping her mouth about how things are looking good. Diane thinks the day was a disaster. She chides Carly for ruining any credibility she'll have in the trial. Carly argues that she told the truth! That's quite an achievement for her. Sonny thinks it's all good but Diane thinks that Claire Walsh is someone to look out for. Diane: "You're freedom can rely on one crucial element." What, Diane, what??

Claire wants a word with Dante. Lulu argues that Dante just got out of the hospital and that he's had enough. Dante says it's ok so Lulu leaves them alone. Outside she tells Jax that Claire is inside questioning Dante. Jax says it's probably to ask him why he perjured himself and if he plans on doing the same thing during the trial. Lulu is torn. So is Jax. Lulu thinks maybe Jax should remain neutral given his love of Carly but he can't do that because Sonny is a threat to his family. Back inside, Claire wants to know if she can trust Dante.

Johnny and Ethan arrive at the Haunted Star chatting about what happened. Luke: "Good evening, gentleman. I trust that you're up to no good." Ethan hands Luke a box of cigars. Luke is happy. Johnny says he'll let Ethan know about the next job but Ethan plays all coy. He coyly asks what Johnny is up to next. Johnny not so coyly tells him that the next job is "the total destruction of Sonny Corinthos". DUN!

Lisa and Patrick play darts and flirt. He tries to distract her from her game. He accidently insults her by saying she's the perfect woman for a guy who never wanted to fall in love.

Nikolas says he knows Elizabeth has made it clear that she doesn't want a relationship with him but he still wants to change her mind. He doesn't want her to keep his child out of his life and she says she wouldn't do that. Lucky comes by and Crazy is happy to see him. He asks Nikolas for a moment alone with Elizabeth. After Nik leaves, she immediately gets up to hug Lucky. Lucky is finally being honest. He tells her that he wants to help and will always be there for the kids but they don't have a future together.

In the courtroom, Claire seems to be training Dante on his testimony. She tries to get him to confess that Sonny shot him but Dante sticks to his story that he shot himself. In the chest. She asks him how he keeps the lies straight. She hints that the lines got blurred and he got attached to Sonny as a father figure even though he didn't know that Sonny was his actual father. He doesn't know what this all has to do with the case. She just wants to know how far he'll go to "save daddy".

Sonny and Carly are alone. They talk about the bail hearing and the trial. She says she'll lie if she has to. It's funny that ethics has a very narrow meaning for her. Jax comes in. He tells Sonny that if he cared about his kids, he wouldn't be asking their mother to commit perjury.

Johnny and Ethan plan another scheme to take a Corinthos shipment. They play all hard to get with each other again. Jason crashes the party. He asks them about the warehouse raid.

At Jakes, Robin stops by to see Patrick feeding Lisa a shot while she's in a weird position. The crowd is chanting "Up and Over". So I guess that's what that is...

Lucky explains why he lied to Elizabeth and that he told her he forgave her because he was scared for her. She realizes that he can't forgive her. He says the damage is too much. He says it's time they let go. She thanks him for his honesty and says she's decided to take the early paternity test. What about May sweeps?


1 comment:

  1. When Coleman showed up at Jake's we knew Kate wasn't far behind. There was a reference a few weeks ago to Coleman being in Eorupe "gambling or something." This was at the same time kate's been in "Paris."

    Johnny and Ethan may be a good match if Ethan is half the con man that Luke is. If Johnny's smart he'll get Ethan to help him set up the "long con."
