Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9, 2010

Let's get to it!

Maxie is still holding the butter knife at the fake serial killer accusing him like people normally do every day. Fake french serial killer: Quoi??

Epiphany is happy to see Lisa at the nurse's station. She loved the Beyonce concert. I thought Beyonce was taking a break. Patrick walks by and makes a crack about Lisa being Epiphany's favorite. Lisa is surprised to see Patrick at work. Obviously, Patrick can handle his liquor. Lisa asks if he wants to do it again. When Robin walks by, she pretends that she was asking both of them.

Dante is still knocking on Jason's door saying, "I know you're home". Michael rushes upstairs and Sam answers the door making it look like she and Jason were just having sex. She's a little better at it, taking off her shirt and breathing heavily while Jason just lays there on the couch. I bet that's pretty accurate. Dante says he's looking for Michael.

Sonny and Carly are arguing about Michael. Jax looks happy but Olivia tells him not to look so smug because fighting is "foreplay for these two." Jax makes his way over. He warns them to keep it down unless they want everyone to know what Michael did. He then says Sonny is right. I guess we're supposed to be surprised by that, but I still thing Jax's main intentions are to keep his family safe, despite what Carly thinks.


Maxie bumbles that maybe she made a mistake. Chef wanders off, annoyed. Maxie calls him "fake french guy" (I said it first!) and then vows that 'her Jackal' will get him.

Robin wants to go home after work. Patrick decides he does too. Lisa goads him and Robin says that he doesn't have to go home just because she does. Before Patrick can make a decision, Epiphany has a new job for Lisa. Robin again tells Patrick that he can go if he wants. Patrick wants to be with his wife.

Dante tries to convince Jason and Sam to get Michael to see him. Jason plays(?) stupid. Sam does everything in her power to convince Dante that she and Jason just want to have sex. Seriously, she's really laying it on thick. Dante leaves. Michael comes down, appalled at Dante's sudden caring. Jason says it's all an act.

Sonny, Jax and Carly argue about stupid things. Sonny argues like a three year old. They call each other arrogant until finally Carly says it's her decision and she's not letting Michael go.

Robin finally admits that she gets pissed off by Lisa, especially when Lisa invites Patrick out and then pretends to invite Robin out as well. Patrick insists he wants to spend time at home with her and Emma but Robin thinks he's just being nice. She starts becoming the standoffish Robin we knew way back when she and Patrick first started dating. Patrick compares the wild days he left behind to the Paris and Sonny days that Robin left behind. Instead of just accepting it, Robin gets bitchy and leaves.

Maxie comes back to the metro court lobby where Spinelli is still on the phone. Maxie tells Spinelli about what happened with the fake serial killer. Maxie thinks she might have ruined things but Spinelli says there are other ways to get him. He says they're more dangerous which excites Maxie. Again, is it really smart to make up a case about a serial killer to get your girlfriend to find you hot and dangerous when her sister was killed by a serial killer?

Kristina comes to Kelly's and sees Ethan. After Mike takes her order, she goes and flirts with Ethan. Ethan again tries to dissuade any flirting. His date, the playmate bunny, comes in and Ethan goes to kiss her hello. She doesn't seem too upset that Bernie is mad at her for abandoning her post and letting someone break into the office.

Jax and Sonny try to convince Carly that Michael is safest out of the country but they have different reasons. Carly is just plain pissed at both of them. She leaves to call Jason to see if she can stop them. Jax, to Sonny: "You should stay and eat something. It's better than prison food." Hee. After Jax leaves, Sonny summons Olivia over. He invites her to eat to which she refuses. Then he asks her to tell him about Dante.

Dante visits Lulu. Turned on by Sam and Jason earlier, he grabs Lulu and kisses her. He wants sex. Now.

Epiphany doesn't like seeing Patrick and Robin fight. Robin takes him aside and sincerely tells him that she wants him to go. He doesn't understand why Robin is "always looking for trouble when there is none." Lisa and Steven come over to talk about their case. Robin makes a suggestion but Lisa wants Patrick to look at it because she thinks the problem is neurological.

Kristina asks Mike about Jennifer, the playboy bunny. He comes over and talks to Dante and Jennifer. Kiefer comes in and goes to give Kristina a kiss. He has a big night planned for them on Friday.

Dante's got his shirt off. They're almost there! He could. go. all. the. way! Lulu won't stop talking! And of course Maxie interrupts them. She came home to change.

Jason and Sam get Michael ready to leave. They're about to leave when Carly comes in. She argues with Jason about taking Michael to the island.

Patrick comes into the locker room to talk to Lisa about the case but gets distracted by her bra. Oh, and the boobs in them.

Ethan and Jennifer continue to flirt. As they leave, she even playfully accuses him of being the decoy in the warehouse break in. Keifer once again tells Kristina to wear something "super sexy" when she meets his friends from Harvard on Friday night. He obviously didn't get the message the first time.

Maxie stupidly dawdles. Dante and Lulu try to get her out of there. Doesn't Lulu have a bedroom they can go into? They finally listen to me when Maxie leaves and go to her room. And then Ronnie comes by. How'd he find him there? Does Dante have a tracking device in his pants? Ronnie realizes he's interrupting sex but they have police business. They need to go see Sonny.

Olivia sits at another table as she and Sonny talk. She snidely tells Sonny about Dante's childhood heroes. She makes the connection between Spiderman, super-heroes with a secret identity and Dante's current job as an undercover cop. She snarks at Sonny's choices and is happy with her own. He finally has enough, drops down a huge tip and begins to leave but Olivia isn't finished. She's sick of his "woe is me" attitude. She says he did have choices. He could have had help from her family, the Cerillos, etc but he chose to live this life. They get pretty heated. Sonny is smug as always and Olivia is gets more furious with every word that comes out of his mouth. It's kind of an awesome scene.

Carly is finally convinced that Michael should go away. He doesn't want to go but he trusts her.

Put some clothes on, Lisa. They continue discussing the case and Patrick finally says they'll discuss it when she's done. Robin catches the last bit of it.

Spinelli and Maxie are in the place where he pretty much fell in love with her: The storm drain where they got trapped chasing after Diego Alcazar. He has a bat, she's distracted by a rat and he's hurt his foot.

Carly comes to visit Lulu. They've missed each other. Carly wants Lulu to ask Dante to go easy on Sonny on the stand..

Ronnie and Dante are at Sonny's looking through his stuff. Sonny comes in and says that Ronnie isn't welcome. Ronnie says he wants to talk to Michael. Sonny's pissed that Dante would let Ronnie in to harrass Michael.

Patrick and Robin fight again about what Patrick wants.

Spinelli uses his laptop to find out exactly where they are. He has a connection down there? The grate falls. They're trapped again. Imagine that.

Sam is sleeping on the plane. Jason and Michael talk about what they can do on the island. He reminisces about Michael as a baby. Michael wants Jason to let him grow up.

Lulu says she can't help Carly and Carly understands. Lulu believes that Sonny belongs in prison. Carly thinks Dante and Sonny will eventually connect.

Dante wants Michael to respect the law but Sonny thinks Dante is just using him. Ronnie figures out that Michael has probably left the country by now. He threatens Sonny that he'll find Michael to use him against Sonny.


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