Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8, 2010

Week two of unemployment and I'm doin' fineeeee. It's 60 degrees in NYC and I'm doin' fiiiiine.

So at the Haunted Star, it looks like Luke is trying to stop Lucky from arresting Ethan until he realizes that it will get Ethan out of the country. He doesn't like the fact that Ethan went on a suicide mission at the Corinthos warehouse. He thinks Ethan should go down to Sydney, do all the hustling he can and after a month, they'll get his Visa sorted and he can come back... missing the whole Johnny debacle.

Speaking of Johnny, he doesn't seem to be too surprised about getting shot. Even if it is a paint ball. He is, however pissed that his $500 leather jacket is ruined. I guess the boy has learned something from Maxie.

Sonny doesn't care if Dante comes after him. He just doesn't want him to use Michael to do it. After all the speeches that Sonny gave Dante about joining the family, he wants to know why Sonny has a problem with him talking to his "little brother".


Lucky and Luke gang up on Ethan. Neither of them want him messing around with Johnny. They give him all the reasons: Johnny has a death wish, Sonny is dangerous, and Jason knows. Ethan insists he's just a con man and not "working" with Johnny. Luke says Dante is under Sonny's protection but Lucky isn't assured since Michael was also under Sonny's protection and was shot. In the head.

For some reason, Jason is still holding the fake gun on Johnny. He knows it's a paint gun, Jason. He thinks this proves how easy it would be for Jason to kill him. He turns around and then Johnny pulls a real gun on him, proving how easy it would be for him to shoot Jason.

Nikolas and Elizabeth argue about the trust. I think Crazy is getting better because she's having a pretty awesome moment of clarity. She realizes how great Lucky is and she knows that they'll never get back together, but I think the main thing she realizes is that she doesn't need a man in her life right now. But three kids, medical bills, job in're going to need something, Elizabeth. She also doesn't want money "tainted" by the Cassadines. Nikolas isn't really happy to hear all this. He leaves.

Carly and Olivia plan a meal. Olivia thinks Sonny's trial is going to be tough for everyone and she's glad Carly is preparing this special meal for Jax and her. But it turns out, it's for Sonny. Why? I don't know. Olivia doesn't know either and isn't afraid to speak her mind on the subject.

Sonny yells at Michael to leave so he can talk to Dante alone. Sonny warns Dante that his interference could hurt Michael. Dante is appalled because he's suddenly realizing what the rest of us have known for years: Sonny's ability to turn everything bad into someone else's fault. It's kind of funny how strongly the writers make that argument through characters like Patrick and Dante even though Sonny always wins anyway. It's like the writers are secretly trying to fight back against TPTB. Use your words, writers! Use your words!

Ethan continues to deny his involvement with Johnny but Luke and Lucky don't buy it. They think that even if that's true, it's what it looks like to the outside eye. Lucky gives up. He leaves, warning Ethan to get his green card.

Now Johnny has hisgun pointed at Jason. He tells Jason that he has had many opportunities to kill him but he won't do that. Johnny let's his gun arm fall. Jason wishes Johnny would reconsider what he's doing. Johnny doesn't get how Jason can't understand why he's doing what he's doing. He knows Jason would do the same thing if it were Carly or Emily. Jason warns him one last time not to push him before he leaves.

Maxie and Spinelli are at the Metro-Court lobby doing fake surveillance. He's worried about dragging her into this but she's OK. She doesn't get the fake importance of it. He tells her more about the fake serial killer by telling her about fake victims and brings her in like he's telling a ghost story at a campfire. Maxie gets a call from Kate. She tells (fake) Kate that she can't make it into the office.

Dante is worried about Michael and the pressure of knowing what happened to Claudia. He's not wrong. Sonny tells Dante the whole fake story about Claudia's death. He then walks over to camera A and has a moment.

Lainie brings Nikolas and Lucky into Elizabeth's room for a group session.

Tracy comes to the Haunted Star. She thinks Luke called her because he wants money to which Luke is fake-offended. She reminds him that he married her for his money. Luke tells Tracy about Ethan's immigration status. He thinks Ethan needs to get married which Ethan is vehemently against. Tracy has an idea.

Jax sees Olivia setting up a table for Carly. He notices Carly's favorite flowers and thinks it's a dinner for him. Carly comes in, looking fabulous. Jax is thrilled until she says the dinner (and the dress) is for Sonny.

Elizabeth talks about her world bottoming out when Lucky found out about her and Nikolas. She goes on to talk about her affair with Nikolas and what prompted it.

Tracy is on the phone with her pilot telling him to fuel the jet and make a flight plan to Vegas. Her plan is to divorce Luke and marry Ethan. Eww. And Hah! Ethan is a bit uncomfortable about the idea at first but when he sees how uneasy it makes Luke, he warms up to it. Luke, "Over my dead body." Tracy & Ethan together: "Okay!" Hee.

Sonny wants Jason and Sam to take Michael to the island until the trial is over.

Jax pretends he's not jealous and Carly pretends she's not trying to make him jealous. He calls her bluff by having dinner with his own companion tonight. He chooses Olivia. Olivia: "Hell no."

Dante is at the shop talking to Johnny. They discuss cars and Olivia and the case. Dante tries to ask Johnny about Michael but Johnny snaps to leave Michael alone. I really think Johnny knows that Michael killed Claudia but for the life of me, I can't remember how. I don't know why I got that in my head. It's just as justifiable that he's doing it because he thinks Michael witnessed Sonny killing Claudia and empathizes with the kid.

Jason orders Michael to pack his bag for the island. Michael says he's not going.

Dante knows that Johnny's reaction means that Michael knows something. Johnny tells Dante to just be a big brother. Dante wants to do that by getting Michael away from Sonny. He realizes that Sonny probably thinks Dante wants Michael as a witness and will be sending him out of the country.

Spinelli shows Maxie a picture of the fake serial killer. She thinks he looks too ordinary. Spinelli gets Maxie excited about the case by telling her she can help with her fashion expertise. Spinelli gets distracted by a phone call when Maxie sees the serial killer leaving the metro-court. After a failed attempt to get Spinelli's attention, she follows the fake serial killer.

Tracy teases Luke about the family dynamics of her marrying Ethan. Luke asks Ethan to give them a moment alone. Ethan does, but not before calling Tracy, "Spanky". Hee. Luke tells Tracy he thinks it's a good idea but he wants to be paid: 40K a month, a lamborghini and a wing of the Quartermaine mansion. She calls his bluff. He folds because he wuvs Twacy. Aww.

Lainie thinks there's something from Nikolas that Elizabeth needed and wants to know what it was. Lucky interrupts. He thinks it's partly his fault because he kept seeing Elizabeth through the eyes of the teenager he was and he didn't realize how much she's changed. He knows Nikolas was probably an escape from that.

Maxie confronts the serial killer. The fake french chef serial killer is delighted a young girl is interested in him. He tries to bring her with him but she holds a butter knife on him. The music tells us how fake this is and that it's supposed to be funny. But it's just kinda sad.

Outside the Shadybrook room, Nik and Lucky talk. Nikolas has made it clear that he wants this child to be his and he wants Elizabeth. Now he wants to know what Lucky wants.
Inside, Elizabeth wants Lucky back and says she'll always want him.
Back outside, Lucky says that he too wants the baby to be Nik's.

Sonny shows up to the candlelit dinner. Over at the bar, Jax is jealous and Olivia tells him to go home. He doesn't listen because he wants to see how "this plays out." At the table, Carly tells Sonny to ignore Jax which he happily does. Sonny tells Carly about Michael's 'almost-confession' and says Jason and Sam are taking him out of the country. From the bar, Jax notices that whatever Sonny said, Carly didn't like it. Carly is pissed and wants Sonny to find another solution.

Jason and Sam are getting ready to go with Michael. Michael doesn't like it. Before they can leave, Dante knocks at his door. He wants to talk to Jason about Michael.



  1. Wifey and I still think Johnny does not know that Michael whacked Claude. He did say to Dante yesterday, "This is not Michael's fault. It's Sonny's" We are taking that as "Mikey's been treated like crap all his life and it's because of Dad." Not: "I know that Sonny didn't kill Clod, Michael did." We think that if Johnny knew exactly what happened the elevator car would drop a couple of stories out of his get-back-at-Sonny plan because all Sonny really did was treat Claudia like the Mafia wife she was. It's not going to take much to convince Johnny that whacking Claude was not a malicious act on Michael's part.

    Meanwhile, Lucky hit on the revelation. Crazy wanted out. Screwing Nik was the way to do it. Nicholas's private paternity test will show that it's Lucky's kid (Helena has already messed up the test in Nik's favor for some unfathomable reason). He won't tell Lucky because Lucky's fine with that according to what he said outside Crazy's room. And what the hell? Group therapy? Would never happen.

    Also, the writers are really doing a disservice to the Spinelli and Maxie actors. But this was one of the better Monday eps in a long time.

    ps: Best guy on the show? Ethan. He cracks us up. He's gonna be around for a long time if he's not careful.

  2. budugly - I confirmed that Johnny does know. Apparently Jason told him when Franco sent him the picture of Claudia's open grave.

    And I'm glad the nickname "crazy" is catching on ;)
